Week 5 assignment: course project milestone: annotated bibliography
Kantian ethics states that one should always act in such a way that their actions can be universalized, or generalized to all people and in any situation. In the long standing debate between technology-driven automation and job security, Kantian ethics would argue that if it is not moral to wish for all jobs to be replaced by machines in order to increase profits, then it must also not be moral for only some jobs (e.g., those of lower income workers) to bear this burden. This means that either everyone must experience these changes or none at all; partial solutions are not acceptable according to Kantian ethics.
In addition ,Kant’s categorical imperative implies we consider implications decisions have upon broader populations living current times future generations ! If decide pursue route automation without proper safeguards place protect employees likely lead degradation morality society thus against universalizing every situation guideline suggests . It follows from above same logic applies when considering outsourcing functions nonessential core services as could end up adversely impacting lives many depending where tasks being assigned . Ultimately here ethical considerations outweigh economic ones therefore caution must exercised making sure no human hurt progress made.