Week 5 assignment: case study
According to Theodore Roosevelt, a progressive is someone who believes that economic and social progress should be achieved through governmental intervention. Progressives believe in using the power of government to address big issues such as poverty, inequality, and lack of opportunity. They also emphasize the importance of ethics and morality in public life. As examples, progressives have championed policies like universal healthcare, minimum wage increases, consumer protection legislation, progressive taxation systems ,and increased regulation on monopolies.
Anti-progressives are those who take an opposing view to progressives and believe that economic and social progress should come from free market forces rather than government intervention. They generally oppose regulations that favor one group at the expense of another ,believing them to be unneccessary or harmful burdens on business . Additionally they often embrace smaller government with less funding for social services claiming this will foster more personal responsibility amongst citizens create better environment businesses thrive Ultimately given strong stances taken either side debate within realm politics ethics usually takes place defining characteristics fit into camps accordingly.