Micro mod 1 case | Nursing homework help
One current researcher conducting studies in this field of microbiology is Dr. Arturo Casadevall, an American professor at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health whose research focuses on host/pathogen interactions with a particular emphasis on fungal infections such as cryptococcal meningitis and emerging fungal diseases like Valley fever.
Dr. Casadevall has made numerous noteworthy contributions to this field including identifying mechanisms involved with antifungal drug resistance, elucidating pathogenesis pathways for multiple fungal species that cause human disease, discovering new virulence factors associated with certain fungi, and determining novel therapeutic strategies which could potentially treat or prevent these infections from occurring.
These findings have led to improved understanding around microbial pathogenesis as well as new treatments for infectious diseases caused by virulent fungi; they have also expanded our knowledge about microbial genetics & evolution which may eventually allow us to develop more effective therapies against different types of microbes in the future.