Cellular and immune functions | Nursing homework help
The mechanisms that confine cells and tissues to a specific anatomic site are a combination of both physical forces and biochemical signals. Physical forces such as the presence of extracellular matrix (ECM), adhesion molecules, cellular membrane receptors, structural proteins, and cell-cell communication play an important role in keeping cells adherent to their proper locations. On the other hand, biochemical signals generated by hormones, growth factors or even tissue damage can help regulate cell growth/proliferation and migration towards particular sites within the body.
Four types of cellular adaptations include necrosis, apoptosis, hyperplasia, and metaplasia. Necrosis is a type of cell death caused by external stimuli such as inflammation or infection which leads to irreversible destruction of surrounding tissues due to inappropriate activation/release of lytic enzymes from damaged cells. Apoptosis on the other hand is programmed cell death which relieves unnecessary stress on organs or tissues either during development or according to changing environmental conditions; these two processes differ mainly in terms of their regulation at the molecular level with apoptosis being more tightly regulated than necrosis. Hyperplasia refers to an increase in number of normal functioning cells while metaplasia involves replacement commonly non-functional healthy useful ones through modification existing structures autocrine paracrine signaling compounds derived various sources environment facilitate differentiation subsequent adaptation functional roles purpose ultimately culminating higher order survival organism…
Necrosis and Apoptosis are similar in that they are both forms of cell death; however there are some key differences between them as well. Necrotic cells undergoing irreversible changes appear swollen when observed under a microscope whereas apoptotic bodies tend have distinct blebbed edges indicative difference once observed up close consisiting progressive fragmentation cytoplasm organelles visible nuclei condensed chromatin thus less able cause harm immune system importantly easy disposal phagocytosed due smaller size aesthetically pleasing cleaning scavengers complete process quikly efficiently ensuring no further dissemination remains risk prolonging healing time recovery patient alleviating suffering much greater comfort themselves loved ones thoughts prayers lead journey health happiness hopefulness wonderful life awaits us beyond horizon.