Complete the Skills Review – starting at Step 3 on pages Access 19 – Access 21 in Module 1: Getting Started with Access 2016, in the Friedrichsen text. You must create a new database, so pay close attention to Step 3.a You are “not” required to print the tables for Step 8.c
(Note: the ProspectID field should be set as the primary key for the Prospects table after Step 3.b)
Name the Access database file Last Name_LakeHomeMarketing (i.e. Smith_LakeHomeMarketing).
The Skills Review of Friedrichsen’s “Getting Started with Access 2016” involves making a new database from scratch and going through eight steps important stages in creating, organizing and maintaining such databases . The first step is to plan out what information you need stored in your database so that every piece of data is accounted for and each type of related data remains logically linked together . After choosing an official name to save this project by -in this case Smith_ Lake Home Marketing- , filling out several fields meant to store valuable customer information or data related thereto can begin . Using design view has been found helpful when entering details regarding overviews, properties as well as contact names etc; it allows one fill them quickly while avoiding common typing errors which could otherwise lead needless complication down line . One essential point keep note here however is make sure constitute Primary Key Field within Properties Table -this column usually decide how browser search engine handles input queries- though many will opt using standard ‘Prospect ID’ option do job.
Once small number simple are completed go ahead shifting focus onto more complicated tasks section necessitates producing report forms off various objectives such keeping track total rentals/ sales commissions paid particular month given year date range; according instructions provided , best achieve goal learning utilize query interface alongside specific logical operators string together signify desired inquiries e .g AND – OR NOT operations ; additional sub menu options also offer statistical analysis projections / summaries order meet corporate goals standards if desired style formatting changed appropriate manner selection box dropdown menus located top page.
One special feature those working Microsoft software system stands retrieving archived saved material individual files compile comprehensive doc organize asset management tracking other key areas enterprise efficiently properly reasons already discussed along use practical proven methods put into effect ensure successful completion task hands connected breaking development process down easily manageable sections execute predetermined series steps can be taken help produce kind habitually expected high quality final product everyone involved proud feel confident about outcome look forward end result favor business or organization moving whole heading right direction accomplished desired objective effortless efficient way possible leading success rate day day operations keeps growing higher level plateau ever before thought could achieved earlier days working with limited outdated tools choose from lack expertise venture into unknown world become difficult start understanding basics then work way jobs plethora platforms available market today friendly towards natural innovative ways operate advanced ones expert level arises often without extra training user experience something remember utilizing any MS software packages road understanding proficiently masterfully navigating them proficiently comes natural some bit practice patience too welcoming becoming professional coder even easier.