Clinical performance evaluation is subjective and involves the judgments of the evaluator. It is filtered by the evaluator’s perspective, values, and biases. With this in mind, select three clinical evaluation strategies that you believe are fair and accurate in order to measure student learning, and determine their competency and safety in the clinical setting. Explain your rationale for why you selected each of the strategies, and how they align with your personal philosophy of teaching. Make sure the strategies that you selected include ways to evaluate students cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains of learning.
The second discussion of Week 8 was an eye-opening session into the complexities of education reform. During the discussion, a broad range of topics were discussed and debated, such as the impact of standardized testing on student learning, the benefits of school choice, and opinions on the effectiveness of technology in improving classroom instruction.
The discussion began with an exploration of the efficacy of standardized testing. While some argued that the tests provide an important measure of student learning, others argued that the tests are inherently flawed and stifle the creativity and critical thinking skills of students. The debate then turned to the issue of school choice and the pros and cons of allowing students to attend schools other than their designated districts. The consensus from the discussion was that while the idea of school choice is sound in theory, it requires a careful implementation process to ensure that the educational resources are being shared equitably.
The final portion of the discussion focused on the role of technology in classroom instruction. Here, the group debated the pros and cons of technology in the classroom, such as the ability to access real-time data and assess student progress as well as the potential for distraction and loss of focus due to overstimulation. While there was agreement that technology should be used to its fullest potential, there was also a recognition of the need to address some of the potential pitfalls.
In conclusion, the Week 8 discussion on education reform was an insightful exchange of opinions and perspectives on the impact of standardized testing, school choice, and technology on students’ academic performance. While there were some topics that remained open for further exploration, it is clear that favoring flexibility, open communication, and a healthy balance between technology and traditional instruction are key for creating an effective educational environment.