• Superman – Main Theme (BBC Proms) by John Williams has been chosen. It is part of the cinema score category. These works are used as accompaniments to the cinema. It is a passage that matches the definition music. Some people believe that music is only made by the human voice. This passage demonstrates the importance of musical instruments in music, as Performing Forces. This clip is appealing because of its melody. It is notable that the composer achieves a balanced level of consonance with discord. While the tone of this instrument is discordant it’s not too harsh. This is one way that the snippet stands out. This snippet can be used to achieve discord.
• My comprehension of music’s aspects has broadened my perspective on music. In the past, music was all I cared about. But I realized that songs have a structure determined by their melody. The melody is one component of music that could be used to link emotions with music. Because of this, I feel the need to learn and appreciate all types music, because they each serve a purpose through the selected musical components.