Although college education was once reserved only for the wealthy, it is now mandatory. College graduates don’t have the same opportunities or privileges as before. A college degree was historically a guarantee of a job. However, the situation has changed with more college graduates. It has changed the way I view a college education. College education can broaden a student’s view of social, economic and cultural issues.
Anyone who enrolls in college must have a roadmap outlining their goals and challenges. Current problems that are notable include drug misuse and criminality as well as unemployment. These are just a few of the reasons why college students should consider pursuing a degree. Contrary to previous learning experiences, college education introduces the student to an heuristic situation. In this case, learning is practical. People are taught how to manage real-life social situations. My college degree is not designed to help me find work, but to tackle some of the problems facing society. Education should not be used to segregate the population into learned or uneducated groups. It should improve all aspects of the lives of the people in society.
The purpose of education should be to foster a society where all citizens can benefit. Therefore, college education shouldn’t just be for the degree-holder but should also benefit the entire community. Instead of being focused on work search and graduation, I am focusing my college education towards social change.