Evidence-based nursing practice has led to major changes in healthcare. It also improves the ability of nurses to make informed decisions and provide patient care. Rojjanasirirat (2016) analyzed changes in EBP knowledge and attitudes of nursing students after completing an online course. Primarily the research goal was stated clearly and the issue statement in the literature reviews was identified with pinpoint accuracy.
This representative sample included students who were enrolled at Midwestern private institutions that offer a Master’s Degree in Evidence-Based Nursing Practices. The institution had 63 students as the sample population. This study employed a post-test and pre-test research approach. The pre-test and post-test study strategy is regarded as an accurate model for studies that aim to analyze specific demographic trends (Dabade & Dabade, 2018). Before and after participating in the program, evidence-based practice questionnaires were sent to all participants (Rojjanasrirat & Rice, 2017). Researchers calculated the differences in mean scores between students who enrolled in the program before and after they enrolled. It was possible to quantify and precisely quantify learnt abilities and attitudes by using data about evidence-based practice before and during the program.
The study found that all students experienced a marked improvement after taking the course. Students’ EBP scores demonstrated that they learned new abilities in evidence-based procedures (Rojjanasrirat & Rice, 2017). Because of the student’s previous exposure to EBP, their attitudes and knowledge were not relevant to EBP. This study proved that EBP courses are important for enhancing nurse practitioner skills.