It is up to the government to take responsibility for preventing false news from spreading and minimizing its negative commercial consequences. Many corporations employ diverse strategies to increase their profits, using every possible way to exploit their customers and audience. But the government must protect the people who use these products and ensure that companies compete ethically. Government authorities must take legal steps to limit the spread of false news in order to achieve private ends such as increasing market share and sales by distributing misleading or incorrect information. (Spradling et. al., 2021). To protect their customers, such organizations should be penalized, fined or removed. Advertising firms and websites that provide misleading information to their customers should also be punished. Regulating corporations is the responsibility of government agencies. It is therefore responsible for managing and preventing false information and the mitigation of its consequences.
Advertisements on contentious websites can be seen as a form of partnership between businesses with illegal or imprudent data collection and display practices. Therefore, placing advertisements on sites that are contentious is a violation of corporate ethical business policies. Controversy refers to disagreement with ethical or legal rules. (Gustafson 2021). Illegal information promotion methods include the promotion and use of unreliable scientific facts or hate speech. Gustafson, 221, warns that being associated with any company using illegal ways to make money can damage the business’ integrity as well as its ability fulfill its ethical aims. Running ads on a problem website could indicate that the company and its management view it as acceptable.