America is multi-cultural society. It includes people from many different cultures, ages and faiths. But, poverty is much more common in the minority than among the general population. Green, 2017. Non-Hispanic Whites is the largest and most populous group. Non-Hispanic Whites are more likely to be poor because of historical and institutional favoritism. They have easier access to good healthcare and jobs. Blacks are at greatest risk of poverty, due to the highest levels of homelessness and unemployment as well as a lack of insurance. (Ware 2016 A significant gap in poverty exists in America due to historical injustices that resulted from slavery. Jim Crow laws and segregation denied blacks access to homes and decent education because of this. Chances for high-ranking leadership positions in modern society are not available to minorities. A significant economic disparity exists between black and white households. Schaeffer, 2020 states that between 1970 and 2018, black families’ median income grew $23,000. The median income gap between white and black minorities increased by 5 percent to 61% in the period 1970-2018. As evidenced by large income gaps, financial inequality, workplace harassment and underrepresentation of senior leaders, minorities are more vulnerable to poverty.
In the United Kingdom, Poverty is a Problem and There’s Diversity
Blacks are less likely to be poor than the rest of the population in the United Kingdom. According to Center for Social Justice research (2020), 19% lived in poverty compared with 32% of mixed ethnicity households, 39% Asian-British homes, and 46% for Black ethnicities. According to the Center for Social Justice (2020), black communities are more likely to be in poverty in the United Kingdom than any other community, while white communities tends not to have the same problem. This ethnic inequality is evident even in education, where white Britons have a higher chance of getting high marks than blacks or Asians. American Indians and blacks follow whites as the largest population. 76% are employed in Whites, while 75% are Indians and 66% for blacks. An individual is more likely to be poor if they have a low rate of employment. This can result in a decrease in income or purchasing power. The black population is at greater risk of poverty due to racism, systemic discrimination and historical injustice. There is a long tradition of racism and abuse of black people in the United States. This has led to feelings of superiority and inferiority. The median wage is significantly different for all ethnicities. The median hourly pay for white British workers over 30 is higher than that of employees from other races (Center for Social Justice 2020).