United States military equipment has more advanced and dangerous weapons, as well as greater intelligence. The government could not stop the attacks due to war costs, human rights violations, and dynamic of extremist Islamic terrorist organizations. United States military technology is dangerous, and includes nuclear bombs. These could have devastating repercussions for the world’s environment (Duiker 2014). Both the intended target as well as innocent bystanders could be affected. The United States military does not use weapons that could threaten the sustainability of the planet, something they are committed to preserving. The second concern is that the superior military and deadly weaponry may lead to serious violations of human rights. Many innocent civilians may be killed or maimed when military combatants are used against terrorist groups. If the United States continues to use force against human rights activists, it risks losing international support. To achieve peace, the United States emphasizes diplomacy while only resorting to military intervention as a last resort. The ideologies and teachings of extremist Islamic terrorist groups are extremely dynamic. These terrorist groups have established networks across many nations and their belief in the destruction of US and Western powers is reinforced by fatal force. Williams (2016) states that military intervention is ineffective because it can exacerbate terrorism and increase the number of deaths. For example, military actions against Al-Qaeda led to ISIS being created. This terrorist group has strong ties with Al-Shabaab, Boko Haram, and other groups.
United States security policies have been effective in protecting America from terrorist attacks. United States established the Border Patrol to protect the nation from terrorists. In order to prevent terrorist attacks, the US developed a strategic partnership in which global intelligence sharing can be strengthened. It has helped the United States prevent future threats by sharing intelligence. USA has strengthened its law enforcement and judicial capacities to handle terrorist suspects (Homeland Security 2019, 2019). The United States learned from its previous mistakes in preventing terrorist attacks. As a result of terrorist acts, the United States chose proactive responses, including information sharing, border enforcement and diplomacy over military actions. The nation has been able to respond faster to terrorist attacks both domestically and internationally.