Response 1
The simulation is important for understanding how even small changes to an economy affect the economic system. I find your argument about the difference between short-term or long-term economic improvements to be very interesting. My acceptance ratings dropped when I made too many changes within a very short period. Do you think this was due to the fact that I seem unsure about my approach or my choices? An increase in consumption would result from a lower interest rate, which could discourage people from saving. This scenario would see the economy grow as the increase in jobs is met by increased production. The GDP will also grow due to an increase of resources available, a result which is attributed to an increase in the taxable income. Your article was very informative.
Response 2
We appreciate the article. It contains some very important points. My initial experience with the game was similar, and it was both educational and engaging. I focused on understanding the impact of interest rates in open economies. The government can increase output and consumption by using interest rate expansionary strategies. If the interest rates on government equities and bank deposits were lower, this would encourage people to save, and would also increase demand. In turn, government revenues and employment would rise. At least for the immediate future, approvals would be higher. A healthy economy will ensure prosperity.