Jason is curious about the connection between loneliness among college students and gender, and how social media can help. In his freshman year, he collected data about 30 males (10 with high, moderate, or low use of social networks) as well as 30 volunteers from women (10 with high, moderate, or low social networking usage), respectively. Jason provided the Revised UCLA-20-item loneliness scale (for 60 individuals) to help them assess their own feelings of loneliness. High scores on the scale indicate more isolation. Participants rate each item on a scale of 1 to 4, with 4 being the most frequent. This research has two dependent variables, social media use and gender. The design of the research may be summarized as 3*2 ANOVA, number of social media use levels (low, moderate, and high) and number of gender levels (males vs females).
What would your thoughts be about the results of this study?
Social media users who are more active on these sites will feel less lonely when they disconnect from them.
2. Report the results in this section. Which interpretation do you draw based upon the Mean values?
N is the Standard Deviation of Oneness = 60 47.60 16490. Valid N (listwise = 60)
The descriptive statistics obtained provide M=47.60 as the mean level of loneliness. SD=16.49 is the standard deviation.
Perform a Two-Way ANOVA. Your statistics results, including any tables and figures that may be applicable in APA format.
Testing Between-Subjects Effects Variable: Source for Loneliness Type III Sum Of Squares F Mean Square F Sig. 135945.600 1 135945.600 3866.159 .000
SocialmediaUse 13253.700 2 6626.850 188.461 .000 sGender 881.667 1 881.667 25.074 .000
SocialmediaUse * Gender
8.233 2 4.117 Error 1898.800 34 35.163
Total 151988.000 60
Total Corrected 16042.242.400 59.a. Rsquared =.882 (Rsquared Adjusted =.871)
A double-sided ANOVA was used to examine the relationships between loneliness among college students and their use of social media. F (2.54) =.117. P =.890. The results indicate that there is no statistically significant relationship between social media use, gender, and college students’ levels of loneliness. Social media use by male students was associated with higher levels of loneliness (p =.000), compared to female students. Social media usage has statistically significant effects on levels of loneliness (p =.000).
Is there any primary effect?
There are significant primary effects for male students.
b. Are the effects of interaction important?
It has a minor impact on the interactions.
This analysis has led you to a conclusion. You are correct.
Based on this study, we can conclude that social media use by college students and their gender affects the degree of loneliness they feel. A child who uses social media more often will be more lonely.