Black women in America are the least well-off. Marginalization can be seen in low levels of executive representation and exposure to gender pay gaps. According to The Institute of Women Policy Research (18), white men earn $1,000,000 more than their black female peers (The Institute of Women Policy Research). They also have to work seven more months in order to make the same income as white males. Black women are also susceptible to cultural oppressions like sexual assault, intimate partner abuse and other forms of violence. Fourteen out of fifteen black women feel that the criminal justice process is not capable of providing justice. However, women are involved in more than 60% intimate relationship violence. Many black women are now part of the feminist movement, which aims to educate and empower others about sexual exploitation. Black feminist heros such as Sojourner Truth or Maya Angelou are examples of how women can overcome their exploitation. Current feminists such as Chimamanda Abichie or Michelle Obama show the challenges, possibilities, and opportunities for women. But, #MeToo has seen a decrease in participation by black women. Black women may be unfairly disenfranchised, but their inability to participate in the mainstream feminist movement hampers their ability to influence and advocate for long-term changes.
The most controversial issue is Black women’s participation within the mainstream feminist movement, to advocate for their rights, and engage in creating a just, equitable, and fair society. Because their racial tendencies and prejudices are often more visible than their genders, women of color can be overlooked in discussions about racism or sexism (Coles et. al., 314). It is more difficult for Black women to be neglected by feminist groups because of their invisibility at intersections. Women are marginalized by the efforts of those in the fight for women’s rights and assistance. Women suffer the same social problems as men, including unnecessary traffic stops and workplace microaggressions. Black men are thought to have led the majority of anti-racist movements like Black Lives Matter. They were fighting police brutality.
Most feminist movements focus on the issues that affect white women, while ignoring issues that are disproportionately affecting women of color like racialized sexualism. Feminist movements do not address police brutality, sexual assault and racism against women of colour. Women of color have a higher incidence of intimate partner abuse than women who are white. However, it is less common for them to report such incidents. More than 81% had been victims of sexual abuse in the past, as opposed to 438 for men (Howell). It has had a devastating effect on black women’s self-esteem, and their ability to make societal changes. Feminists and feminist organizations must empower black women to improve society. Women should feel empowered by feminist groups. These women have the opportunity to speak out, to raise awareness of the injustices they are subject to by patriarchal culture and to mentor others to be successful in a male-dominated world.