This database contains the necessary information to create a pro forma income statement. The selling expenses for retailers who sell PLE products are included in this percentage of the sales income. This rate of tax is fifty percent. Make an Excel sheet to summarize and extract data needed to build the income statement 2014 and to then create an Excel model that will be used to produce a pro forma income report for the company.
Total Unit sales
Products Units
Price Sales Lawnmower 110,043 $15.00 $16,506,450
Tractors 46.194 $1,250.00 $150.130.500 $150.130.500
Total Sales $166,636,950
To prepare a proforma income report, you need to know the total sales of your company. You can calculate the total sales by adding the selling price of each unit to the number sold. Below is a table showing 2014 PLE sales figures.
Get Whole-Cost Products
Mower $6,981,889
A tractor for $97.146.138
Total costs $ 104 128,027
There are expenses involved in the manufacturing of certain products. Profits can be made by subtracting these costs from total sales. Below is information about the manufacturing costs for lawnmowers or tractors.
Administration Total: $7,738,943
Depreciation $2,486,977
Interest: $117.855
When preparing the proforma Income Statement, it’s crucial that you account for production-related costs, depreciation and interest.
Fixed fees
Capacity increase $2,651,000
Maximum capacity limit: $9,768,000
Mowers 110043 Shipping Costs: Unit Cost x Total Price
$1.49 $ 163,642
46194 Agricultural Tractors $1.94 $89,390
Shipping costs total to $253,032
PLE also incurred shipping fees and fixed expenses that need to be accounted when preparing a statement. In the following tables, you will find information about shipping and fixed expenses that should be taken into account when creating an income pro forma statement. Important to note that 18% of all PLE dealers earn business expenses. This is deducted from the selling expense. A fifty percent tax is applicable to goods. You can use the information above to make a pro forma and an income statement for 2014 by using the information.