One of the most beloved traditions in all the diverse cultures around the globe is religion. A belief in a higher power that has control over the human life is known as religion. It is worthy of worship. The social-cultural system of religion aims to influence the worldviews, actions and values of individuals in order to align them with their belief in the supernatural, also known as God or Gods. Malloy 2020 explains that religion refers to a lifestyle that is founded on the acceptance of God’s sanctity. Freud’s theories about the genesis of and the substance of religion (which emphasize the relationship between religion and the feeling of satisfaction) are compatible with this idea. There are several theories that address the nature and origins religion. Sigmund Freud developed a view that was compatible with religious beliefs of most people and communities.
Freud believes that religion is deeply ingrained into the human nature as a result the early impressions. The parents’ belief systems influence children, shaping their perceptions of God and God. These ideas are shaped by experiences like fear and safety that help children cope with their future worries and uncertainties. Freud said that religion was a way to control the oedipal complexity he had created in his theories and provide structure for the social orientation of society. According to Freud’s psychoanalytic view, humans are conscious of the need to fulfill their needs. This is where they find fulfillment by placing their trust in God who gives them security and shows them that he can grant their every wish (Novak 2016,). The sustainable hypothesis addresses the topic of religious devotion that originates from the heart. They believe their fate can be controlled by an entity capable of satisfying their deepest needs.