Nebraska Community Health Endowment, Lincoln Targeted Applicant
Grant Number Grant number Maximum allowed characters: 100
Name of the Project* Character Limit: 100
Project Summary* Maximum characters: 350
Total Request to CHE* Maximum Character Count: 20
Amount Requested Year 1* Maximum of 20 characters
Year 2 Requested Amount*
Requested Amount Year 3* Character Limit: 20
Limit of 20 characters
Total Cost of the Project* Character limit: 20
Priorities for funding
Opportunities for Health Innovation In order to help children and adults maintain good health, outside of the healthcare system
Innovating solutions and ideas to improve existing health care/behavioral models
Alternatives for Early Childhood Trauma Reducing or Reducing Toxic Stress In Childhood
Reduced childhood obesity
Promoting maternal health and maternity
Prevention sChoices
Healthy lifestyles that promote better health are promoted
Priorities for funding
Cross-Sector Collaboration Options Creates meaningful connections among cross-sector partners
Recognizes that poverty is a factor in the creation or resolution of a community problem.
Local Data
Design evidence-based
Choices Program design is informed and delivered by proven models that are evidence-based.
Option for Health Innovation: Helping children and people to stay healthy without the need of healthcare. Innovations and solutions to improve traditional healthcare/behavioral models
The Early Childhood Trauma Option Reducing and Reducing Toxic Stress in Childhood
Reduced childhood obesity
Enhancing maternal health, and maternity
Promotion of healthy lifestyles that lead to better health
Priorities for funding
Cross-Sector Collaboration Options Creates meaningful connections among cross-sector partners
Recognizes that poverty is a factor in the creation or resolution of a community problem.
Use of local data
Choices Uses established methods or evidence-based models to help program designers and implementers.
To be served Homeless people in Florida who have mental health issues and are living without shelter
Projet Results
It is important to establish empirical evidence that expanding access to health care and housing affordability for Florida’s homeless with mental illnesses could improve their chances of staying healthy and reduce the rate of homelessness.
A summary of the project and activities
To collect evidence about whether affordable housing or expanding healthcare access might increase health outcomes, I’ll be going to Florida.
Anticipated Obstacles/Challenges
Common obstacles include non-response or language issues, poor weather and bad weather. I’ll overcome them by using an interpreter, bringing an umbrella, and asking open-ended queries.
Diverse Points of View
People from various cultural backgrounds will make up the study team. My dissertation research
Applicant’s qualifications
ABC Research is a top-ranked research company in Florida. We have highly skilled researchers. My responsibility is to link results with social factors, and assess their effect on the health of people.
You can bypass the Candidate Status
Have you or your organisation broken any federal or state laws in the year just ended or the two prior years?
Florida Homeless Initiative’s first year budget will amount to approximately $10,000. Employee pay, maintenance and housing costs, acquisition of equipment and employee wages are the main components of this budget. First, wages and salaries for employees. Purchases of equipment are the second line item. Direct project-related expenses are the next line item. Another important component is travel.