Cocaine is a powerful stimulant and one of the most addictive drugs on Earth. Cocaine comes from the coca plant, which is found in South America’s Andes Mountains. The area produces the most coca and cocaine. The main methods by which cocaine can be given to the body are intravenous, oral and intranasal. Two of the most commonly used methods are injection and “snorting,” where cocaine is inhaled via the nostrils. Because injection enhances the effects of cocaine, some addicts choose it. The vapor from crack cocaine powder can be inhaled to transport it to the lungs and absorb it. This method distributes the cocaine into your bloodstream nearly as fast as injecting.
The short-term effects of cocaine use can be affected by the method of administration. Injecting or smoking cocaine is the fastest way to feel its effects. It is possible that the effects of the drug will last less than 10 minutes. Some people resort to other methods of putting off the high, as the effect can last up 30 minutes. The desire for pleasure is what cocaine users have stated before. Biologically, cocaine increases activity in brain regions responsible for pleasures associated with food, drink, and sexual desire. Short-term side effects of cocaine include lack appetite and insomnia. While some claim cocaine helps them complete cerebral activities, others say the opposite.
Cocaine’s addictive effects and stimulant nature are due to its inability to prevent dopamine from being reabsorbed by nerve cells. The brain usually releases dopamine as a reward system. This is what leads to many of the most addictive medications. This process leads to a higher tolerance of the drug. Most users don’t have the same experience with subsequent use. This is why users tend to take more cocaine to keep the intensity high and become addicted over time. Users may experience a mild sensitivity to the cocaine’s anesthetic and convulsant properties. It happens even if the dose of cocaine used is not increased. This can often lead to death when only small amounts of cocaine are being used.
Although premature death is most serious consequence of drug abuse, many other consequences can be attributed to an addiction. To get money to buy cocaine, addicts may resort to other criminal acts, especially if they are young and not wealthy. The rise in robbery and mugging has led to theft.