Techniques for comprehension
Teachers may help students understand and read different passages and topics. Comprehending techniques can be described as a set of strategies and treatments that are designed to help students develop their comprehension and decoding skills, depending on their metacognitive abilities. As a treatment in the learning environment, different comprehension strategies, such as summarizing and visualizing, predicting and forming inferences as well as answering and posing questions and measuring understanding may all be used (Brodsky and al., 2002). Comprehending tactics help students to acquire the memory and retention skills they need, improve their critical and logical thinking ability, and increase their metacognitive awareness. The key to using comprehension tactics is to understand the unique needs of students. It will help you choose the right intervention or strategy for your situation.
Graphic organizers
A graphic organizer is an instructional tool that uses visual displays to help in teaching, illustrating, and linking concepts, ideas or facts. Graphic organizers use visual symbols and images to show the connections between subjects. Graphic organizers can improve the skills of students such as memory and comprehension, recall, reading ability, understanding and reasoning. The instructor should identify the obstacles students face and provide a learning environment that allows them to use the graphic organizers (Magnusson and al. (2018). To ensure that students learn the material, they must design and create graphic organizers.
Independent practice
In order to achieve the best learning outcomes, independent practice can be used as a method of teaching. In independent practice, students learn independently without any support. Brodsky et. al., 2002). This helps students complete assignments on their own. This method helps students to strengthen their skills, develop new knowledge and improve existing ones. This method allows the instructor to communicate information and then assigns assignments that students can do independently. To assess students’ understanding, comprehension, decoding and memory skills, the activities are evaluated.
Test with model-lead
The instructional technique is designed to provide students learning opportunities by giving them the opportunity to practice and watch a skill over a time period before they attempt to do it independently. Model-led tests in education are a way to transmit ideas. This is similar to science, which allows the teacher to conduct a model experiment and gives students the opportunity to practice before assigning them tasks. You can use it to teach reading, Brodsky et. al., 2021. There are three types of implementation. The first is the model where the student plays the role as teacher. The second is the lead which directs guidance and asks for participation in activities. Finally, there’s the test which requires the student to independently complete tasks related to learning.