Please indicate your name and address. This helps to determine if the respondents belong within the specified geographical area and have some autonomy.
Which is your household’s population? The average household population is determined by this question.
Which breakfast do you eat most often? This helps to determine if the market group eats breakfast often or only occasionally.
My family is the best place to eat breakfast. True or false. To help the firm develop a marketing plan, this tool will detect the individualistic and collectivistic nature of the market.
What is a healthy breakfast? This question is open to all. It’s used for consumers’ awareness of their health.
Breakfast is the most essential meal of each day. Specify your opinion or agreement with this statement. It clarifies consumers’ views on breakfast.
I sometimes skip breakfast. Is there anything that prevents me from having breakfast? This question allows the company to understand why people don’t eat breakfast. Then, the organisation can devise a strategy for changing consumer behavior.
What do you spend on breakfast every day? This inquiry examines the discretionary income of consumers.
What do you eat for breakfast every day? Explain why. This will help the company determine which foods are most popular and what they like best. A concentration approach or differentiation may be chosen by the firm.
When is breakfast served? Knowing the time of day will enable the company to serve breakfast in the most appropriate hour.
There are ten respondents: To understand the target market, 10 people were polled.
Characteristics of the Target Market
They are more concerned about the health and nutritional content of what they eat (Shan, et. al. 2019, 2019). Consumers’ awareness of dietary issues has grown with the rise in diabetes and other health problems.
Price conscious clients pay careful attention to what they are spending on certain goods.
The intended respondents must be residents within a specific area.
This is an important aspect of studying the market’s demographics.
Breakfast frequency: Often 30% to 70%, but often more than that: Data shows that most residents eat breakfast at least once a day. The corporation might offer clients many brands.
Healthy eating is defined by more protein and less sugar. Most consumers worry about the quality and safety of what they eat. Consumers want a healthy breakfast with both macro-and micronutrients.
Significance of breakfast: 60% are in agreement; 40% disagree. It is cultural factors that influence people’s views on the importance and value of breakfast. A lack of strong marketing could make this a major problem.
Skip breakfast: People with diabetes are often more mindful of their nutrition than those without chronic conditions.